- CleanROM is targeted towards the user that wants a stock ROM experience with as little Bloat as possible, demand performance and expect stability!
- CleanROM is based on the latest Verizon Base! Jellybean 4.2.2 Base!
- CleanROM is Fast, Clean, and STABLE!
- CleanROM is one of the best supported ROMS in the "industry!"
- Support for Newbs and Veterans alike is given at www.scottsroms.com regardless of post count!
- Lightest Build Possible - Bare Minimum ROM! Almost All Non Essential Samsung and Verizon Apps are gone!
- Added Shutter Sound Option!
- Page Rotation on Launcher and App Drawer!
- Nexus 7 and 10 Ringtones!
- Tether Unlocked!
- Performance Enhancements!
- ADB as Root!
- init.d Support!
- No CD installer!
- More!
Version 1.3 - 6/9/2013
- Base Options: Odex or De-Odex
- Added: WiFi Toggle
- Updated: SamsungLink
- Updated: SuperSU
- Fixed: Kies Not Starting
- Fixed: Potential issue with some apps
- All new post start HERE
- Must have custom recovery installed. I recommend the latest version of CWM!
- Copy ROM to storage
- Reboot to Recovery
- Must wipe data and factory reset in Recovery. Failure to do so waves your "right" to support.
- Restoring any data from any back up also waves all your right to support. Please don't bother posting in the thread!
- Flash ROM
- Reboot to System
- Profit!