Monday, 17 June 2013

[14/6][MOD][APP] Official ViPER4Android FX & XHiFi - (Convolver) (Cure Tech+)

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Original ViPER520 Post

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OP Index:
1. Description // Features // Development Progress // Change Log // Donation // Policy
2. Installation Instructions // CPU Driver List // Downloads // IRS // MyAudio Profiles
3. Troubleshoot // Bugs // FAQ
4. FX/XHiFi Settings Explained
5. Banners
Software Descriptions
V4A already made great improvements in Bass, with dynamic bass system; Surround, with field surround and VHS+; Auditory Healing, with Cure Tech+ and, Simulation, with Convolver. The parts left are vocal/clarity/treble and EQ.
This FX v2.2.0.9 update will cover vocal,clarity,treble category, balancing the ultimate bass and treble in V4A!

VersionFX version / XHiFi version
Codename: (FX version) Beautiful / (XHiFi version) X-Factor
Compiled date: June 1,2013 / June 4,2013 - Official Release
Operating environmentAndroid 2.3 / 4.0 / 4.1 / 4.2
CPU platforms: ARM (ARM11 or higher)
Language: English (United States) / Simplified Chinese / Traditional Chinese

ViPER4Android FX
Mainly renders audio quality and many effects. (More info see Settings Explained in 4th post)

ViPER4Android XHiFi
Mainly restores lossy audio quality. (More info see Settings Explained 4th post)

ViPER4Android FX and XHiFi combined (Refer coexists installation)
More settings to configure, more to play, extend audio effect limits!
★ COMING SOON Effect Calibration ★
Every human's auditory systems are not the same, some people experience Left-Right asymmetries, while some with high-frequency phobia. Each individual has a different concept of the sound field. Therefore, through a simple calibration wizard, V4A system benchmark will be adjusted according to the calibrating result. This feature will make sure every V4A user experience its ultimate effects up to par.

★ NEW Clean Bass+ Mode ★
Natural and bombastic bass, requires a little bit better headphone.

★ NEW Fidelity Adjustment ★
With the latest Clarity and Sharpness adjustments, you can balance up heavy bass with high fidelity audio that you can never imagine before!

★ NEW Headphone Surround+ (VHS+) ★
With this VHS+, V4A made its way to achieve great surround technologies for Android.

★ NEW Auditory System Protection (Cure Tech+) ★
With normal audio system, listening for more than three hours will feel fatigue, dizzy, tinnitus, irritated and other symptoms.
This is a normal reaction, heavy bass and high volume could cause permanent damage to the human auditory system, but other phenomena can restore through resting.
Viper as a listening experience professional will not ignore this problem. Therefore put a lot of effort to study how to make a "Healing" sound technology, just a small success. But thinking on how to let users experience it.

★ NEW In-App Installation ★
With this in-app installation, users just have to follow the instructions when first run V4A app and the app will install everything for you.
In order to use this feature successfully, full Busybox must be installed.

★ NEW FX Compatible Mode (Only in 4.x) ★
Compatible Mode supports large variety of music players and the players' own EQ/sound effects (system-provided/third party)
Therefore, you don't have to select V4A in Sound Settings > Music Effects, choose anything other than V4A. Just run V4A app and the effects will be working with anything else.

1. In option, switch to Compatible Mode. Reboot, done.
2. In Sound Settings > Music Effects, choose other than V4A.
3. Run V4A app and configure the settings then the effects will work together with the one you chose in Sound Settings.

★ NEW Safe Mode (Only in 4.x) ★
If V4A dont work on many players, try switching to Safe Mode to work with almost any music player.
1. In option, switch to Safe Mode. Reboot, done.

V4A Development Progress (Updated 14-Jun-2013)
FX version: v2.2.0.9 (Estimated date: )
1. Optimise Surround Engine+ for VFP CPUs.
2. Fix previous version issue. (Refer bugs/issues.)
3. Add clean bass+ to FX
4. Add sound clarity adjustment option (similar to SRS Focus) and sharpness adjustment option (treble adjustment)
5. Add "Check new version" function in V4A menu option. Will redirect to download link if new version found.

XHiFi version: v2.1.0.3 (Estimated date: )

TODO List:
1. ViPER4Android driver auto install/update [Done]
2. Increase compatibility for Android 4.x [Done]
3. EQ user-defined slot [Deprecated, use Sound Effect Profile]
4. Sound Effect Profile [Done]
5. XHiFi support Tegra2 [Done]
6. Convolver support ARMv5TE CPU [Done]
7. Improve Convolver process [Done]
8. Convolver support IR Sample of any length [Done]
9. FX Field Surround Upgraded [Done]
10. FX Virtual Headphone Technology added [Done]
11. Fix the sound delay caused by convolver. [Done]
12. Import IR samples from external storage. [WIP]
13. Optimize audio reconstruction module. [Done]
14. Upgrade the bass effect of audio reconstruction module. [Done]
15. Use RootTools to install driver. [Done]
16. Cure Tech+[Done]
17. Add clean bass+ to FX [Done]
18. Add clarity settings [Done]
19. Combine FX and XHIFI [WIP]
20. Add Effect Calibration to suit one's ear [WIP]

Natural Bass:
Natural and bombastic bass, requires a little bit better headphone.

Effect Calibration:
- Every human's auditory systems are not the same, some people experience Left-Right asymmetries, while some with high-frequency phobia. Each individual has a different concept of the sound field. Therefore "Hearing Calibration" was introduced.
- Through a simple calibration wizard, V4A system benchmark will be adjusted according to the calibrating result. "Hearing Calibration" feature will make sure every V4A user experience its ultimate effects up to par.
- Of course, due to huge "Hearing Calibration" variety, its impossible to cook all the features at once, allow ViPER520 to experiment slowly, as the first edition could only achieve Left-Right symmetric and high frequency calibration.

v3 V4A FX GUI Design (Not ready)
Latest Version Change Log
FX version: v2.2.0.8
1.Add Headphone Surround Engine+.
2.Fix some bugs.

XHiFi version: v2.1.0.2
1.Support speaker effects.
2.Fix some bugs.
My Paypal Account is ready! Malaysian please PM me for local bank account.
I would appreciate if you can donate to me so I can maintain this OP. I'm also making IRS for you guys.
Its also recommended to make donation using Paypal balance. (lower transaction fee)

@ibrahim54; @Lim Wee Huat; @rydog66; @HDRules; @churapa; @JesseAaronSafir; @william72; @Metallijim; Mario; @nachordez; @FallenOut; johnlwil; Rik; Pierre; kepaware; @krispuniq; @Zahih; @cywong89; jfbraodrac; @j3tt3; robertodiego; @JBernabe; @roymouse; David; @Kisaraji; @sykba; beto; @Faustous; @justdrew
Interested to Include V4A in your ROM? Read below then PM me.
Usage Terms & Condition Policy
Starting from 19 May 2013, you cannot include V4A FX nor XHiFi nor Cure+ in your sound engine(s)/sound mod(s) or anything not equivalent to a Rom(s).
You can only include V4A in your Rom(s). Do remind your users to activate FX Compatible Mode if you had inserted other sound mod(s).

Mirroring Policy
Do not make public mirrors of any mod(s) or any IR sample(s) from VipersAudio forum, respect the author.
ViPER4Android (V4A) Audio Effects
Copyright (C) 2006-2016
OP Translated by zhuhang@xda
XDA Official Maintainer zhuhang@xda
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