Proudly presenting you the most popular ROM for Samsung Galaxy S4..

Please READ through the OP before flashing or asking questions! Thanks!***I am not responsible for anything that may happen or happens to your phone as a result of this custom firmware. You are choosing to install this yourself and thus assume any risks involved.***

- Official Android 4.2.2 JB TW I545VRUAMDK Base
- Stock Kernel with Loki
- Deodexed
- Zipaligned
- Multilanguage
- Bashed
- Rooted
- Busybox
- Debloated
- Latest SuperSU + su binaries
- Sysro/sysrw support
- data/app support
- True init.d support

Rom Tweaks/Features:
- Full Galaxy S4 TW functionalities and apps
- Stock S4 Theme
- Full Multiwindow Enabled for all apps natively without 3rd party app
- Hyperdrive Control
- HyperdriveOTA
- Custom Rom Settings-a HUGE collection of Customizable Tweaks (see below)
- Ink Effect with 8 colors on the Ripple Lockscreen (WIP)
- Music Control
-Volume Rocker Skip Music Tracks with On/off and user defined Parameters
-Button Delay Timeout
-Volume Up key action
-Volume Down Key action- Long Press Menu to Kill Current App
- 21 Total Extended Quick Notification Toggles
-Adds all native Functionality toggles- Clock Options
-Clock Postion
-AM/PM Size
-Day of Week size
-ANY Color for Clock- Status Bar Options
-ANY Color for Status Bar
-Smart Hide/Show Alarm Icon
-Choose your Custom Battery Icon
-Choose Circle Battery color
-Choose Circle Battery Text color
-Choose Circle Animation Spped
-Enable Battery Bar
-Battery Bar Color, and Style
-Battery Bar Charging Animation
-Battery Bar Thickness- Custom Hyperdrive Boot Menu
- CRT TV-Off Animation
- NFC works from Lockscreen
- Double Tap Home for S-Voice or Google Now
- Unlocked Verizon Wifi Tethering
- Home Button Wakes Phone with Toggle On/Off
- Keyboard IME Toggle on/off
- Edge Zoom Toggle on/off
- Driving Mode
- Blocking Mode (WIP)
- MMS app extended settings
-Scheduled Messaging, Group messaging
-Screen on/off messaging toggle
-Message vibration and Signature options
-Save/Restore Messages
-SMS 1000 recipient limit enabled
-SMS limit per hour increased
-Enabled Split-View Mode On/Off Toggle
-Increased Max MMS and Image Size
-Disable SMS-MMS Auto Conversion- Extended Camera Settings
-Shutter Sound on/off menu
-Disabled Low Battery Camera Handicaps
-Use Camera while on a call
-Zoom/Shutter with Volume Keys
-Additional Shooting Mode Tweaks
-Higher Video and audio bit rate in camcorder- Browser Extended Settings
-Exit and Terminate Options added
-Open up to 50 tabs in browser- Device Status Reads as Official
- Enabled Additional Options in Settings
- Enabled Additonal Widgets in Settings
- No Increasing Ringtone in Phone
- Patched Services.jar to disable Signature Check
- Anti-Aliased HD Clear Screen
- Unplug doesn't turn on screen
- Removed from Rom
-All Verizon Bloatware and branding
-Full Battery Charge Notification
-GPS icon from status bar
-Ongoing Wifi Notification
-Smart Stay Icon
-Samsung and Verizon OTA updates
-Ongoing notifications and annoying icons
-Trip advisor and Samsung Kies
-All Amazon Apps and widgets
-Easy Mode: Settings, apps and widgets- Pure X Studio Audio Engine
- Pure Screen HD
- Sony Bravia Engine
- 360 degree rotation throughout all apps
- Muted Boot and Shutdown Sounds
- International Boot and Shutdown Animations
- Fixes for OTG wakelock and Media Scanner drain
- My Hacked Touchwiz Launcher for insane speed with infinite scrolling
- Es File Explorer
- Popup Browser Resizable to ANY size
- Emoji Keyboard
- Inverted Youtube with Screen off Playback and Tweaks by The0sis
Hyperdrive Control:1.HyperdriveOTA -Download NEW Rom Mods, Themes, Apps and features!
- CHECK my OTA Feature in Hyperdrive Control for any Missing apps and also for new cool tweaks, features and mods!
Features Availiable:- Google Applications
-Google Books
-Google Magazines
-Google Movies- Rom Mods
-Ad Blocking
-Hidden Language Enabler
-Volume Hack
-Adobe Flash- General Applications
-Apollo Music
-CM File Manager- Verizon Applications
-Verizon Bloatware
-Amazon Bloatware- Samsung Applications
-Samsung Kies
-Transparent Accuweather Widget- Launcher Mods
-Stock with Scroll
-5x6 Launcher
-5x6 Launcher with Scroll2. Custom Settings -A huge Collection of Customizable Tweaks:
General Mods:
- Multiwindow Manager
- Superuser Shortcut
- Wifi Band Switcher
- Keyboard IME Notification Mod w/ toggle(Enable/disable the IME switcher in status bar)
- Edge Browser Zoom Mod w/toggle
User Interface Mods
- General Mods
-LED Control
-Icon Changer- Clock Options
-Chose Clock Style : -Right Clock, Center Clock or No Clock
-AM/PM Style: -Regular , -Small or No AM/PM
-Day of the Week style - Don't Show, Small Weekday, Regular Weekday
-Choose ANY color for Clock- Status Bar Options
-Choose ANY Color for Status Bar
-Smart Hide/Show Alarm Icon
-Choose your Custom Battery Icon
-Choose Circle Battery color
-Choose Circle Battery Text color
-Choose Circle Animation Spped
-Enable Battery Bar
-Battery Bar Color, and Style
-Battery Bar Charging Animation
-Battery Bar Thickness
App Mods:
- CPU Control
- CPU Information
- Download All Files
- Samsung Secret Codes
- GPS Quick Fix
- Media Battery Drain Fix
Audio Mods:
- Music Control
-Volume Rocker Skip Music Tracks with On/off and user defined Parameters
-Button Delay Timeout
-Volume Up key action
-Volume Down Key action
Advanced Mods:
- Latest Xposed Framework Installer
- Per-App DPI Switcher and Settings
- Custom Theme Engine
- Xposed Tweakbox
- Zipalign command
Performance Modifications:
- Full Optimized and Tweaked
- Improved EXT4 Performance
- Full GPU UI rendering
- Custom init.d scripts for insane performance
- Build.prop tweaks
- Disabled Scrolling Cache in Framework
- Cron
- ZRam
- Custom V6 Supercharger Binaries
- Battery Callibrator Binaries
- RAM Optimizations
- Memory Optimizations
- Network/Wifi Speed Enhancements
- Sysctl Enhancements
- Sqlite3 database Enhancements
- Higher Video and playback rate
- Better Image and Panorama Quality
- Amazingly Smooth UI
- Battery optimizations
- Speed and performance that are legendary on your GS4!

1. You MUST be able to READ
3. You MUST have a Loki'd recovery(Like TWRP/CWM) installed!
1. Download latest Hyperdrive Rom version
2. Reboot into Loki'd Recovery
3. Wipe Data/Factory Reset 3x
4. Wipe cache/dalvik cache & wipe system
5. Install Rom
6. Reboot (First Boot may take up to 10 mins)
7. Read through FAQ!!
8. Read Through Changelog
9. Let Phone sit for 5-10 minutes
10. Reboot again
11 Enjoy and thank a developer!

"A BIG THANKS to the following people"Code:My Deviant Development Team! :) JBoss-my graphics guru Beanstown106 jovy23 Didact74 gharrington Robbie Hood shoman94 loserskater Rovo89 sac23 grgsiocl hednik

A HUGE Thanks to these Amazing Supporters!
Code:JediMindTrixx!!!!!! Badger50 Spinwizard kvirus11 x2! Juan the guest hambone315 Matt IndustrialPartsGuy ViperPyro th3drow iTechWNC Johnnyrb!! gunn51 haroldtate alphanu22 mutelight wolfgurl