104 |★ ☆
Modus Operandi
Have you ever wished that all of your favorite skilled devs on XDA would all get together and collaborate to make an amazing ROM? That was the genesis behind Team Synergy when we founded a few years ago. Synergy unites the wide range of various skills of numerous devs including eschelon, TrevE, Ziggy471, Virus, Mr. X, freeza, NxtGenCowboy, and others. Our goal is to provide a fully optimized ROM that runs insanely fast, looks clean, and includes our special under-the-hood tweaks that all around kick a$$. SynergyROM is what you wanted your phone to be like right out of the box!
With millions of XDA thread views and hundreds of thousands of downloads, Synergy is a name you can trust. SynergyROM often has mods found nowhere else, and our work has made the front page of XDA on numerous occasions. For example, we were the first to bring Godmode to the EVO 3D, we were the ones who originally found and killed CarrierIQ (remember that scandal?), the first to port PDroid to a 4.1 Touchwiz ROM, the first to port multiwindow from the Note 2 to the S3, the only team to properly create fully automated multicarrier support for the S3, the very first to create fully floating re-sizable windows on the S3, and we solved IMEI loss issues for the S3 – not to mention countless other tweaks written and created by us. We’re excited to see what we can create for the S4!
*** Currently only available for the Verizon S4. More carriers to be supported once we get a working AROMA ***
- Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2 - Verizon build I545VRUAMDK
- Fully Deodexed, Zipaligned, Busybox, Debloated, SuperSU, etc
- Ziggy Kernel - Currently a work in progress as Ziggy always wants to spend a lot of time making it all just right
- ***Kernel source: http://projects.ziggy471.com/project...-jb/repository
- Samsung loggers blocked!
- Carriers check to make sure your CSCs, ringtones, bookmarks, APKs, etc all match factory stock - otherwise they flag you. Synergy is the only ROM that bypasses this
- ROM has been run through Team Synergy's exclusive memory optimization toolkit which decreases RAM load, improves ROM speed (Synergy is faster than stock), and imprints our own signature on each file
- Ongoing wifi notification gone ( The PROPER way, by killing the actual service. Not by just deleting the icons, which drains battery since the service keeps trying to load nonstop)
- SEAndroid notifications gone (Again, the PROPER way. You should not just delete/freeze the apk since this is needed for proper Android security)
- TrevE Synergized Wifi Tether working right out of the box!
- Synergized boot animation, made by our boy wrx (A little choppy on first boot only while the ROM unpacks itself. Nothing I can do about that)
- "Installer" mode gone when plugging in via USB. MTP now mounts instantly rather than waiting for the installer mode to time out
- All apps allowed in multiwindow, done nateively in framework. No need for a 3rd-party app!
- 4x5 launcher with 4x6 app drawer
- Stock Android 4.2 camera added with 13mp support (1080 video recording works great, 480 and 720 disabled at the moment) - Samsung camera is also still included
- 3G/4G network speed enchanced with our special tweaks
- Exclusive Synergy profiles and build scripts
- RAM block read ahead
- Infinite scrolling in app drawer
- NFC works from lockscreen (did not include screen off with this mod for security reasons)
- Image quality upgraded to 100%
- Modded Youtube which includes screen off playback - by theos0o
- 4-in-1 reboot
- 1% battery mod
- Added more notification toggles, including one for Wifi since Verizon disables it by default
- Location reticle removed from statusbar
- Modded MMS (screen on/off toggle, scheduled messaging, plus more!)
- Increasing ringtone removed
- Removed constant dim "eye" icon from statusbar. Brighter eye icon still comes on, but only when the service is actually running
- Stock Android 4.2.2 keyboard added - Samsung keyboard is still included
- Some default settings changed on first boot automatically to match popular preferences
- Removed the annoying prompts to install software when plugged in over USB
- Ad blocking from one of the best hosts files available for Android
- ADB shell as root
- Build.prop tweaks
- init.d
- Updated apps
- Updated Google system apks
- Many more of the miscellaneous tweaks, additions, and enhancements that you've come to love and expect from Team Synergy
In progress... Full changelog to date is posted above
r104 - Changelog posted here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...&postcount=478 r91 - Changelog posted here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...&postcount=261 r84 - Initial Release. Pretty much the feature list you see outlined above
How to Install Synergy
1) Root your phone
2) Flash a custom recovery (TWRP, CWM, etc)
3) Flash the ROM in the custom recovery. We'll take care of the rest!
Known Bugs
- Guess we'll find out
Download Links
Latest Build Here:
Mods / Themes / Tweaks / Add-ons
- Remove all ad blocking
- Remove exchange security
- Stock Samsung 4x4 launcher
Fellow devs and users: XDA rule #12 states that “if you are developing something that is based on the work of another member, you MUST first seek their permission, and you must give credit to the member whose work you used.”
Since Synergy tends to be the most popular and widely-used ROM and frequently contains mods found nowhere else, we’ve had lots of issues in the past with our work/logic/scripts being kanged. Just because Android itself is open source, that does not mean that all the code written by us can be taken for free. For example, if we write a script that creates a new method during boot to control a process outside of the Android OS (like we did with our EFS backup for the S3, for instance), the code in that script is OUR intellectual property and cannot be taken without OUR permission.
Effective immediately, if you wish to use our work, you MUST PM either myself or TrevE and receive permission for EACH MOD you use, every time. No more burying our name in some ‘Thanks’ post with 50 other names and considering that free license to take everything we do in perpetuity. Failure to comply will result in moderators being contacted and the potential shutting down your thread, as set forth in the XDA rules.
Legal Stuffs
Yeah yeah... I know you guys already know this but it's just one of those things you gotta say anyway: Bad things can happen to your phone when you flash custom ROMs and mods. We at SynergyROM are not responsible if anything bad happens to you, your associates, or your device by flashing this ROM or any other modifications posted in this thread or others.