Tuesday, 25 June 2013

[MOD] 4x5 TouchWiz Launcher - 5x6 App Drawer - 3x4 Widget Screen - UPDATED 6-12-2013

With all the real estate on our phones, I wanted to make a little better use of it. After quite a bit of searching, I found some different TouchWiz configurations, but it always seemed like they were trying to do too much. I simply wanted another row of usable space. So following the guide I found HERE, I made my own.

NOTICE: I have had a few reports of languages (other than English) not working when flashing these. The problem is on the I9500 and I9505 versions of the phone. I'm looking in to it. This is not an issue on Sprint phones. Be sure and nandroid backup before flashing any of these !!!

IN ADDITION: If the developer of the rom you are running has already made any changes to the launcher (scrolling wallpaper and such) these files will overwrite them and may cause you problems !!! Even the Return to Stock. It returns you to STOCK 4x4 Touchwiz Launcher, not what your developer put in his/her rom.

I have now added a 5x6 app drawer. I was a little concerned about it becoming too crowded, but it actually turned out pretty well.

Not done yet, now I have also added a 3x4 widget selection screen. With so many widgets, there were just too many screens to swipe through to find what you were looking for. This makes it a little quicker.

One more option now: Stock 4x4 Home Screen with 5x6 Apps and 3x4 Widget Screen.

Launcher Screens. You have three choices. Page indicator above the bottom row of icons, page indicator below the icons, or stock 4x4. The pictures below show the main screen with the page indicator above and below the bottom icons, and another page just showing all icons:


5x6 apps screen and 3x4 Widgets Screen:

Some things to note:

This is for deodexed roms and is MDL based (will probably work on MDC, but nandroid before trying).

The Return to Stock file will return you back to the stock setup if you don't like the 4x5 setup, or if your favorite widget doesn't play nice with the 4x5 setup.

Haven't done anything with landscape mode if you have it enabled, I never use it.

I am always customizing my phone when I find cool stuff here on XDA, but this is the first time I've ever posted any of it, please be kind... lol

Nandroid is ALWAYS a good idea, or pull your existing SecLauncher3.apk from /system/app so you can push it back if need be.

Constructive feedback (positive OR negative) is greatly appreciated. I take SO much from this site and the people here, just want to give a little back.
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Side Note: This is a relatively simple project. That being said, the number of hours spent doing this was relatively large These guys that make our roms/recoveries/themes/etc. must spend an incredible amount of time doing it for us. Usually for free. I have a much greater appreciation for them now. If you can spare it, donate to them. If you can't, at least give them a thank you.

PS - I want nothing, as I have said before, I have taken enormous amounts from this site.
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Note that this project started out small, just make a 4x5 home screen. It quickly expanded  I have organized all my files so that I can keep track of everything. The links and descriptions below may have changed, but the files have not. If something is messed up, let me know.

Stock 4x4 Home Screen, 5x6 Apps, 3x4 Widgets

4x5 Home Screen, 5x6 Apps, 3x4 Widgets, Page Indicator Above Bottom Icons

4x5 Home Screen, 5x6 Apps, 3x4 Widgets, Page Indicator Below Bottom Icons

4x5 Home Screen, 5x6 Apps, Stock 2x3 Widgets

4x5 Home Screen, Stock 4x5 Apps, Stock 2x3 Widgets

4x4 Home Screen, 5x5 Apps, 3x4 Widgets, Scrolling Wallpaper

Return to Stock

Sprint Galaxy S4
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