Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Blacked out S4 applications Updated 6-20-13 no more white on white!

This is where you can come to get your stock S4 apps blacked out! The white background for MMS, contacts, calculator, etc are so bright, and annoying! Not to mention the fact that the S4 has a Super AMOLED display, which consumes a ton of power while using apps with white backgrounds. This is why i have done what i have. If you text a lot, this can help save some battery life, as black pixels take 0 power to display. This will now flash everything in one go (MMS, Contacts, Phone, Framework, and Calculator).

This was made for Sbreens Verizon Hyperdrive ROM, but it also works for Sprint and there's a version for T-Mobile users  I haven't had any reports about AT&T



Black it all out!
Black it all out revert 
Custom framework background!
Black it all out T-Mobile!
Black it all out T-Mobile Revert !
Blacked out XDA! Please read the FAQ before flashing!
Black and blue Spotify! Please read the FAQ before flashing (same procefure as XDA!)


Q: Can i flash these on any S4 ROM?
A: Yes and no. The framework apk's are from Sbreen's Hyperdrive, but it may also work on other ROMs as well.

Q: Why can the above not be flashed on any ROM?
A: The MMS and phone both have things like the main background and settings menu text tied into framework. So if you flash this on another ROM, you could experience problems.

Q: How can i get the above on any ROM?
A: Send me the framework and I'll get it done as soon as i can.

Q: Will this wipe any data?
A: Sort of. Since flashing the framework is required, you will need to set up your accounts (Google, email, etc) again after booting up.

Q: Do i need to wipe caches before flashing?
A: No

Q: How do i get the custom background found in the screenshots?
A: For the different background, you need to flash the custom framework background zip in the op after the main zip (unless the main is already installed).

Q: Can you also theme (random third party app)
A: Probably not because if i take one request, I will have to take them all 

Q: I have some text/background issues with (insert Google app here)
A: There are blacked out Google apps by Teamblackout that you can use. There's no point in me doing them when they're already done 

Q: How needs to be done before flashing XDA?
A: First you need to flash the main black out zip (unless you already have the newest version with the xda fix installed), then uninstall your xda app from your phone. You may now flash the zip.

Q: Why do i need to do the above to flash the XDA zip?
A: For some reason the flash to data/app/ (where user apps are installed) does not work. It will only work by flashing to system/app/. Once this is done you can always convert it back to a user app if you wish.

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