Monday, 17 June 2013

Adding Some or Unlimited Multiwindow Apps

While trying to port the pre-release Note 8 firmware on my Note N7000, I was able to try and tinker with the Note 8 features specially the Multiwindow feature which is similar to Note 1, Note 2 and SGS3. There are several options to add Multiwindow Apps to the multiwindow tray, specially if your device is rooted. And if you are not rooted, your only hope is to modify the apps' android manifest file or wait for some devs to mod the apps for you.

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Let's start with ROOTED devices.

Option 1: Use Multiwindow Manager app from the Play Store or visit thisTHREAD for discussions on on issues and how to enable some or all apps. When installing the app, it will ask you to patch the FlashBarService.apk but just choose never option. The patch is only for Note1, Note2 and Sgs3 devices as they don't have the necessary code to read the CSC Multiwindow addon apps.

Option 2:
 This is actually how the App referred to in option 1 enables or disables apps for multiwindows. In the /system/csc folder, there is a file named feature.xml or other.xml. You can directly edit this file to add more multiwindow apps. I have an earlier NOTE 10.1 THREAD for this. You can visit my thread to know how it works and how to manually do what the Multiwindow Manager app does with ease.

Option 3: Install Xposed Framework and install Multiwindow module. This will give you unlimited multiwindow apps. You can find the related thread HERE and HERE to download the latest versions of said apps.

Option 4:
 To enable unlimited apps, FlashBarService.apk and services.jar must be modded which will have to wait for now due to absence of deodexed custom roms to be modded. And if you want to mod the said files, then you can find a GUIDE here.

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Now for NON-ROOTED devices, there is only one option I know of. This option is also applicable for rooted devices. To enable apps, the apps' AndroidManifest.xml file must be modified. A guide is available HERE along with some modded apps already.

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Please THANK the respective devs who have brought you these tools/apps/guides. The only way for these mods/guides/tools to keep coming is if there are generous devs who are willing to donate some of their free time, effort and work to this community. At least show your appreciation or encouragement.

DISCLAMER: As I don't have this device, I have not tested it but it does work on my ported Note 8 rom on my Note N7000. I am not responsible for any damage this tools may do. Please use at your own risk.
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